le collezioni M.A.C. Cosmetics di ottobre ce n’è una alquanto particolare:
qualcuna dirà “giusto in tempo per Halloween” ma le M.A.C. addicted come me aggiungeranno
che è arrivata “finalmente una botta di colore al grigio inverno”!
Parliamo infatti della collezione M·A·C BANGIN’ BRILLIANT, una linea di prodotti dai colori forti, svariati e senza limiti. Rosa shoking, azzurro, arancio, tutte nuances che farebbero arrossire anche la stagione più calda.
Parliamo infatti della collezione M·A·C BANGIN’ BRILLIANT, una linea di prodotti dai colori forti, svariati e senza limiti. Rosa shoking, azzurro, arancio, tutte nuances che farebbero arrossire anche la stagione più calda.
Among the collections
M.A.C. Cosmetics of October there is one rather peculiar: some will say
"just in time for Halloween" but M.A.C. addicted like me will add
that is arrived "finally a hit of color to gray winter"!
We’re talking about of the M · A · C collection BANGIN’ BRILLIANT, a line of products with strong colors, varied and limitless. Shoking pink, blue, orange, all shades that would make blush the hottest season.

Massima coprenza per le tonalità LABBRA come
DREAMPOT, un turchese per labbra spaziali e originale effetto duo chrome per il
verde acqua SOFT MINT che lascia alle labbra un effetto quasi metallico.
have alredy tried 2 shades of blue of this line and, please believe me, I'd
love to have all colors, including black.
coverage for LIPS shades as DREAMPOT, a turquoise for space lips and original
duo chrome effect for the green-water SOFT MINT for an almost metallic effect.
Ma gli occhi e le guance non sono da meno: un
vortice di luce colorata avvolgerà il vostro sguardo ed il mio GET PHYSICAL me
lo ha dimostrato alla grande. Riflessi viola arricchiscono di luce una base
scura quasi dark. Confortevole e dalla giusta durata, sia le labbra che tutto
il viso godranno di un total look durevole e confortevole.
the eyes and cheeks are not far behind: a light colored vortex will wrap your
eyes and my GET PHYSICAL shown it to me perfectly. Purple reflections enrich of
light a dark base almost dark. Comfortable and with right duration, both lips and
your face will enjoy a total durable and comfortable look.
Ma guardiamo insieme tutta le colorazioni
let’s take a look at all the colors together:
Lazy Lullaby white
lavender purple (matte)
Punk Couture deep
blackened grape (matte)
Gold XIXI lemony
pastel yellow (lustre)
In My Fashion
darkened chocolate brown (matte)
Lavender Jade dirty
mauve w/ gold pearl (matte)
Nifty Neon orange
Wild Extract lime
green w/ electric pearl (frost)
Dew creamy purply
blue (satin)
Lightly Charred cool
grey (matte)
Deep Rooted brown
taupe (matte)
Really Me muted
neutral pink (matte)
Mangrove hot, bright
red (matte)
Spoiled Fabulous
metallic gold (frost)
Highlights very pale
creamy peach (lustre)
Red Rock classic
clean red (matte)
Breathing Fire hot
fuchsia pink (matte)
Time To Shine silver
w/ white pearl (frost)
Dreampot light candy
blue (matte)
4Eva creamy light
purple (matte)
No Interruptions
muted gold pearl (frost)
Frosting pure white
Designer Blue high
metallic deep ocean blue (frost)
Pink, You Think? hot
neon pink w/ blue pearl (frost)
On and On deep purple
w/ blue pearl (frost)
Model Behaviour clean
violet w/ blue pearl (frost)
Pick Me, Pick Me!
muted lavender w/ pink pearl (frost)
In The Spirit pure
black (matte)
Love & Cherished
creamy light purple (cremesheen)
Soft Hint candy blue
w/ blue pearl (frost)
*SRP 28.00 CHF
· Can’t Stop Don’t Stop deep plum purple w/ sparkles
· Feel The Fever deep blue purple w/ pink
· Get Physical purple w/ light blue sparkles
· Let’s Roll red bronze w/ sparkles
· Last Dance peach-beige w/ pink sparkles
· She Sparkles light grey w/ silver sparkles
· I Like To Watch mid-tone brown w/ gold
· Say It Isn’t So dark grey w/ pink sparkles
· Try Me On deep blue-green w/ sparkles
· Slow/Fast/Slow bronze w/ red sparkles
31.00 CHF
Shock Factor lime
green (matte)
I’m Into It dark red
brown (matte)
Cherry Topped fuchsia
pink (frost)
In The Shadows
vibrant dark blue (frost)
Suspiciously Sweet
coral orange (frost)
Oh My Mocha! antiqued
cranberry (frost)
Zinc Blue deep ocean
blue (matte)
Up At Dawn sherbet
orange (satin)
Ruddy intense red
(veluxe pearl)
Fashion’s Field Day
pinky coral (frost)
Nice Energy electric
yellow lime green (veluxe pearl)
How Royal pearly
cerulean blue (veluxe pearl)
New Crop vivid hunter
green w/ pearl (frost)
Teal Appeal intense
teal blue/green (veluxe pearl)
26.00 CHF
News Flash! red
orange w/ pearl (matte)
Bright Pink intense
fuchsia pink (matte)
Saucy Miss bright
blue pink (matte)
Bright Response
vibrant clean orange (frost)
26.00 CHF
Available October, 2016 at all M∙A∙C locations, M∙A∙C Stores and at
allooooooooooora dei rossetti io mi proverei il grigio e i taupe ma anche qualche roba pazza per vedere come mi stanno ahhah