Le Sopracciglia sono una caratteristica fondamentale per un make-up di successo. Le Sopracciglia restano la parte fondamentale di un look, quindi valorizzarle nel migliore dei modi è basilare. Scegliere la giusta tonalità facendo riferimento al colore dei capelli rende il tutto più armonioso, evitando gli assurdi distacchi di colore.

Con NEW Illamasqua Precision Brow Gel questo oggi è possibile.

Eyebrows are a key feature for a make-up success. Eyebrows are the key part of a look, then enhance them in the best way is essential. Choose the right shade referring to the color of the hair makes it more harmonious, avoiding terrible discolorations different color.

With NEW Illamasqua Precision Brow Gel is now possible.

Application Tip: To achieve brow shape: “When drawing in brow hairs, always apply in the same direction your eye brow hairs naturally grow. Start by using Illamasqua Angled Brush (£19) and from the inner corner of the eye, fill in between the natural brow hairs, moving upwards towards the arch of the brow. Then continue application from the arch moving outwards towards the end of the brow. The cream gel texture blends in effortlessly.”

To achieve the effect of realistic fine hairs: “Switch to the Illamasqua Fine Liner Brush (£19) to draw finer hairs, starting from below the arch of the brow moving outwards towards the tip. You can also draw in fine hairs at the beginning of the brow to give the illusion of a ‘naturally
un-groomed’ shape. Alternatively, you can also use Illamasqua Brow & Lash Gel (£11.50) to create that un-brushed effect.”
Daniel Busuttil


·        Awe (for blonde brows)
·        Glimpse (for auburn brows)
·        Stare (for ebony brows)
·        Strike (for brunette brows)
Price: £18.50

Available from: February 2015